Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bambi Butchers

While the horrifying abuse of animals in factory farms and slaughterhouses is one of the most atrocious displays of cruelty these days, I just about lost it when I saw a new video that some PETA investigators passed along. You can actually see deer being pulled around by the ears, suffering as the door is slammed on their head, and slowly bleeding to death. Honestly, it's sickening.

Venison (a.k.a. deer flesh) that is served up in fancy restaurants often comes from deer "farms" where animals are raised and later slaughtered in a pretty ugly process! It sort of makes me glad that I don't eat any animals' flesh.

The message is pretty simple. If you buy venison, you are supporting cruelty to animals. It's really that simple. Put any label (kosher, free range, organic, etc) you want on it, but at the end of the day, how could any compassionate person eat the body of a tortured animal for no good reason?

Act now by sending a letter to the owner of Musicon Farm, where this video was taken, and demand that he immediately enact welfare changes! Better yet, tell him to shut down this operation all together!

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